Wednesday, November 10, 2010

My Lunch - Golden Fried Rice

hmm not gonna tell you how boring was my afternoon today. the sun is so bright, yet the atmosphere is so calm and quiet. imagine lah, i'm alone at home =/

I have a good bf, sending me lunch for two days already, and today I gotta cook myself a home cook lunch.


yes fried rice!! XD

let me show you my recipe. precondition: i am not a pro lol

1 Planta (I used butter instead of oil, i thought it makes my food smell nicer, isn't it? healthier maybe? hehe)
2 Garlic and Onion (sliced)
3 Rice (leftover rice is recommended, that's the secret ;p i heard from cooking TV programme one)
4 Two eggs (stir and put aside)
5 A little salt, soy sauce, and pepper
6 Taukua (also leftover from dinner yesterday, it was cooked with curry powder ;p)

Instead of taukua, you might add on fish cake/ fish ball and prawns. You might add any other things in according to your preference.


I'm not going to tell the steps one by one. I thought fried rice is easy job lol hahahaha let me make this hasty generalization. sorry if you didn't know. Google it or else, look for your mom or recipe books! =)

Good Day people!

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