Sunday, November 14, 2010

I have a sunny breezy super random Sunday

Notice about the "LIM JOO LI please sleep earlier!!!!! oh please thank you @@zzz" A NOTE TO SELF.

don't know when this to-do-item can be done omg

i woke up quite early this morning (ahem 10.30am consider early not?) but i slept at 2 last night omo (learnt from weiwei's sister aka meimei's tweet, it means oh my god in Korean lol)

i hope i can sleep before 12 loh @@ i need to cure my eye bags and dark circles wey.

before ending this, this is not really a random about sleeping =)

Do you have good sleep every day? let's share about Top 10 Health Benefits of a Good Night's Sleep:
1 Sleep Keeps Your Heart Healthy
2 Sleep May Prevent Cancer
3 Sleep Reduces Stress
4 Sleep Reduces Inflammation
5 Sleep Makes You More Alert
6 Sleep Bolster Your Memory
7 Sleep May Help You Lose Weight =D
8 Naps Make You Smarter (=] i planned to take a nap after this weeee)
9 Sleep May Reduce Your Risk of Depression
10 Sleep Helps the Body Make Repairs

Want to read more about the top 10 tips? Go here.

ngek ngek

what about Top 10 Sleep Disorders in the World?
10 Nightmare Disorders
# often awaken in a cold sweat and bad memories of a terrible dream

9 Sleepwalking
# can be triggered by stress, not sleeping soundly, and genetics (they can do anything, understand the direction)

8 Night Terrors
# Shouting, trashing, panicking and pacing are the symptoms, usually occurs early in the night and most in children (they will suddenly stand up straight, eyes open, even though they do not do the view)

7 Drowsiness Hallucinations
# Called hypnagogic hallucination that occurs during the transition from walking, usually heard voices or seen strange things in the room

6 Exploding Head Syndrome
# disruption occurs during deep sleep, when people suddenly wake up with a surprised by a loud noise and sharp

5 Paralysis Sleep
# during sleep, activity and body muscles become immobile (usually accompanied by hallucination)

4 Rapid Eye Movement (REM)
# occur most often in older adults (can be a symptom of Parkinson's disease)

3 Sleep Disorder related to Food
# People with this disorder will eat at night, and will lose very little memory in the next day (some are quite dangerous, because they could have used a knife or stove)

2 Seksomnia
# or called Sexual Behavior in Sleep (SBS), can interfere (sexual moaning loudly), harmful (adverse masturbation) or even criminal (sexual assault or rape)

1 Insomnia
# difficulty or inability to sleep soundly, can cause irritation and lack of concentration during the day, and long-term sleep deprivation, can really be dangerous (sleep deprivation has been linked to obesity, high blood pressure, and heart attacks)


Have you ever felt sleep disorder like those above? hmm sleep well people. get a good sleep kay? =)

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Have you seen this ads board somewhere? Do you found this familiar?



I feel wonder. how many of each of you, you, you actually read this? (and then how long do you read this ad compare to any other ads?)

this is the first time i look at this ads board in the restroom at Aeon Bukit Tinggi. this concentrate. this complete.

okay i think this actually work. not too much at this moment. coz not many people aware of this i think.

cool? no?


and today has a clear sky. so much different compared to this. i've taken this last week.

omo the clouds are THICK o__O

have a great day ahead people =D

say cheeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeese.

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