Tuesday, March 30, 2010

These Days....

Wrinkles should merely indicate where smiles have been.

The world always looks brighter from behind a smile.
If you ever start mumbling and complaining about things around you, you would stand on the dark side. Sunshines never strike at you, because you don't smile.

"A positive mind anticipate happiness, joy, health and a successful outcome of every situation and action." -SuccessConsciousness.com

people oh people, do you get the joyness? why can't you just learn to think on others feet. grow up people.

say cheese ^w^ kachak hehh

Saturday, March 6, 2010

Cruel Temptation 妻子的诱惑

超迷的,怎么忙都好都一定赶在那钟点来看,是我至今沉迷的第二部韩剧(回想起以前看着天国的阶梯时,泪流满面,连鼻涕也直流的,还记得什么成俊哥的,还学着什么"噢巴""噢骂"的LOL到极点)她很漂亮,是我喜欢的类型,说到自己好像搞同性恋酱,演技超棒的,可是韩国人说话是很可爱的说,表情一流,音调超多的,哭更是厉害的讲,又自然有会哭又够激动又够真,没话说啦!!但是我是不会听啦, 只好靠配音咯,配到也很可爱的,什么用词都可以出来,哈哈哈...
听讲是有129集,是多的咯,那我 FINAL EXAM 是不用考了的咯,怎么个死法...

Friday, March 5, 2010

I have been missing you all the time, but you would never know. How could I stay strong when you are moving that far from me? Ohhh it's so hard my dear friend. I will just miss you more and more. will you?

How if I...
have a hair cut tomorrow?
2 more assignments ahead.