Monday, November 8, 2010

Beauty is in the eye of beholder


How do you define this word?

Beau has two meanings.
1 a lover, sweetheart, or escort of a girl or woman (this means man or the boyfriend)
2 a man who is greatly concerned with his clothes and appearance; dandy (if this is you, call yourself a coxcomb, a conceited dandy who is overly impressed by his own accomplishments. good or not? it depends. i think this is quite positive to an extent though)

or i can say, this is from Old French biau, or from Latin bellus handsome, charming.

so who say overly impressed by yourself is bad? pick one: "i am a nice looking person. i am one of the beautiful person in the world." OR "i am serious fucking like a shit. eewww ugly shit." do you really want to look like a shit, or smell like a shit? that's your choice.

Beauty is truth, truth beauty - that is all.

Then what about true beauty? People said, beauty is only skin deep.

Then which one do you want? Outer beauty. Inner beauty.

Beauty vanishes, beauty passes.
the former changed faster than the latter.

Beauty is no quality in things themselves. It exists merely in the mind which contemplates them.
so i need both, isn't it? =)

Beauty is all very well at first sight; but who ever looks at it when it has been in the house three days?
make your own beauty last, as long as forever, it will definitely transits into other forms. make sure it is still remain in the beauty state. especially the internal one. i believe, it lasts much longer.

People don't normally praise me in the word "beautiful", when they first meet me, yes i am not the beautiful type haha. some even more weird, they say i am very beautiful and want to know me more. okay let me tell you, i don't even see them in person LMAO cool?

Everyone loves to see beautiful things. I especially love to see beautiful girls and boys. okay I normally stalk them in facebook or blog haha shhh i'm stalking at you, you, you XD and do you know? I love to look at myself too LOL

images are googled.
have a nice day people =D


Wei Wei said...

I love to look at myself too. hmm but looking at others i feel i'm ugly

JooLi~ said...

Beauty is in the eye of beholder =)people also see you pretty sexy not ugly hehe