Saturday, October 2, 2010

Don't limit your creativity

"When we engage in what we are naturally suited to do, our work takes on the quality of play and it is play that stimulates creativity." - Linda Naiman

first come with a combined Poladroid photo =)
Creativity: This is how flexible my face can be.

Creativity: brings a way to the Triumph!
Did you found your way?

Creativity: is not only about digit maths and dreams.
There's a lot more hidden in itself.

Creativity: means curiosity, which comes with innovation.
Start moving with your creativity.

Creativity: is not just knowing the problem, but to solve it.
There's miracle out of difficulties.

Creativity: tells you how wonderful you are.
When you know your personalities, you are the best.


I have a lot more interesting photos when I tried to figured out the best photo for Digi iPhone 4 contest. Please bear with me, I might be too self-obsessed.

but if you don't obsessed about yourself, who's gonna do that?

no one loves you more than yourself

okay im too good at reassure with myself =p

okay now.

Have I excavate your creativity? Explore in yourself, you might learn about you, about your talents, about your potential (hmm yours will definitely different from mine, but at least I found a good way to take a good ahem marvelous photo of mine even if you don't think I am a great model =/)

Don't ever try to set a limit for yourself (okay in this case, of looking for your creativity)

You won't see a boundary.

"Creativity is inventing, experimenting, growing, taking risks, breaking rules, making mistakes, and have fun." - Mary Lou Cook

Good night world
I sleep well when I think I love myself. Do you? =D


Wee Han said...

U make me want to take alot my own pictures!!!! but i am not good at zi pai! hahahahahaa! Can my creativity be cultivated?? lol

JooLi~ said...

okay u spread ur OhSanta! happiness i spread my zipai culture. mekkkkk. Fast go n take urs then v can learn from each other. Yes Creativity, LEARNING, and Innovating. =)

*hint: self-timer*